quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

World Of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is an MMORPG from Blizzard producer, an online game, action-adventure, in the fantasy world of Azeroth, introduced in the first game of the series, Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994. Today he is one of the most popular MMORPGs in the world, with more than 10.2 million jogadores.Joga with a client program connected to a network server. There are servers to meet Brazil, the United States, Oceania, Europe, Portugal, China, South Korea and Japan Access to servers is paid and requires a unique key that accompanies the product. However, in July 2011 the game also happened to be distributed free of charge through the Starter Edition version, which pemite play World of Warcraft free up to level 20 in the game. See more in line with "Starter Edition: Free Edition of World of Warcraft"
The expansion of the game, "The Burning Crusade" was released on January 16, 2007. On 3 August 2007 the festival Blizzcon, Blizzard announced a second expansion called "Wrath of the Lich King." The expansion was released on 13 November 2008. On August 21, 2009, at Blizzcon 2009 it was announced the third expansion titled "Cataclysm". On October 21, 2011 at BlizzCon, Chris Metzen announced the new expansion set, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria., Which will be launched on September 25 2012.Em February 2012, Blizzard also announced a partnership with the Brazilian operator GVT internet. Through the agreement, users of the carrier receive a free copy of World of Warcraft, including the expansion The Burning Crusade, and have access to tuition with prices lower than those prevailing around the world. Check out more on the line "Partnership Blizzard-GVT."


In Horde, there are the Orcs, the Renegades (undead), the Tauren, Trolls, the Blood Elves, added the first expansion World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and now the Goblins with the expansion World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
In Alliance, there are the Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, the Gnomes, the Draenei, added by the expansion World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and now the worgen with the Cataclysm expansion.
In the expansion World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria will be added to Pandarens race, to be chosen as the player can choose Alliance or Horde so the first neutral playable race in the game.


Druid (Druid): Druids are the keepers of the world and masters of nature with a diverse array of skills. They are powerful healers, capable of curing poisons and raising fallen comrades in the midst of battle. The druid also called bursts of energy, summoning swarms of insects to ensnare his enemies on earth. But druids are also masters of wildlife, able to turn into a great bear, cat, or sea lion on himself, gaining their powers in combat or travel. Druid class is a diverse, with a variety of gameplay styles, able to fill any role.
Hunter (Hunter): Hunters are deadly marksmen, capable of leading their enemies down from a distance with bows or rifles. Survivors qualified, they can track enemies or lay traps to damage and arrest them. They also have a primary connection with animals of Azeroth, capable of taming and training them to keep them as faithful guardians. Wearing armor average mail, hunters can also wield weapons, fighting beside their pets.
Mage (Mage): Wizards play the elements of fire, ice and arcane to destroy or neutralize their enemies. They are a class that excels at dealing massive damage from afar, casting spells on a single target, or the destruction of their enemies in a wide area of ​​effect. Mages can also increase the power of their allies, summon food or drink to restore their friends, and to travel around the world in an instant by opening arcane portals to distant lands.
Paladin (Paladin): Guardians of the Holy Light, paladins support their allies with holy auras and blessing to protect their friends and increase his powers. Wearing heavy armor, they can withstand lethal blows in battle more difficult, can also heal wounded allies and resurrecting their fallen comrades. In combat, they can use two-handed weapons, stun enemies, hold undead and demons, and judge their enemies with holy vengeance. Paladins are a class perfectly made to protect, designed to kill and cure any type of situation.
Priest (Priest): Sarcedotes are the masters of healing and preservation, restoring their wounded allies, shielding them in battle, and even resurrecting their fallen comrades. While they have a variety of protective and enhancement spells to their allies, the Sarcedotes can also cause terrible vengeance on their enemies, using the powers of shadow or holy light to destroy them. They are a diverse and powerful class, highly desirable in any group, capable of fulfilling multiple roles.
Rogue (Rogue): Rogues are a lightly armored melee class capable of causing major damage to your enemies in a wave of attacks. They are masters of stealth and assassination, passing by enemies unseen and striking from the shadows, then flee fighting in a snap. Rogues can also buy the poisons that damage or cripple their enemies, reducing their effectiveness in battle. They can also open locked doors or chests and disarm hidden traps.
Shaman (Shaman): shamans are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems to heal or enhance their allies in battle while unleash the fury of the elements on your enemies. The shaman can use mail armor, and even wield a two-handed weapon in combat. They are a versatile class that can walk into battle, restoring their allies while throwing lightning bolts at his enemies.
Warlock (Warlock): Warlocks are masters of shadow, flame, and demonic power. They are a class that stands plaguing their enemies with disease or curse, hurling bolts of fire or shadow over the entire battlefield, and summons demons to aid them in combat. While Wizards are very powerful causing damage at a distance, their demonic powers can also protect or support their allies in battle, or even summon other players from around the world using ritual magic to invoke portals.
Warrior (Warrior): Warriors can be a raging juggernaut or able to withstand attacks by protecting their allies from harm. They have a wide variety of attacks that do everything to cripple their enemies. Cause large amounts of damage in a single blow of retaliation and increase the capacity of its allies during battle. They highlight the fight against multiple opponents at once, gaining rage from every blow dealt or received to unleash attacks. Warriors are a versatile class with a variety of style of play to choose from.
Death Knight (Death Knight): The death knight is the first hero of World of Warcraft who was killed by the scourge of the undead (led by the Lich King) and now reborn under the command of the same. After completing a sequence of missions the death knight is betrayed by the Lich King and begins to fight for good, performing heroics to atone for his previous sins. Armed, armored and possessing an arsenal of deadly magic granted by the Lich King, death knights are a good class for those who like a character who can cast spells while wielding a sword to defeat enemies.
Monk (Monk) will be added with the expansion World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria and can be of any race (except goblin and worgen), there are three kinds of monk, the first specializes in melee damage, the second is specialized in healing and the third is the master brewer, who uses his skills to make drinks that absorb damage.


 Alchemist (Alchemy): The Alchemist uses of plants and other materials to create magic potions with various properties. For the plants needed to work the alchemist has the herbalist to collect them, making these professions a double common. It may also perform transmutations of a material other.
Taylor (Tailoring): The Stitcher Fabric uses tissue taken as spoils of your enemies to make cloth armor. The Stitcher tissue is still capable of making bags, allowing their customers to carry more items initially. To get material for his work Stitcher Fabric does not depend on other professions or skills since the tissue used is found naturally throughout the game.
Leather (Leatherworking): The leather used to create leather armor leather armor and eventually create focused mesh for the class of hunters, shamans and assassins. The leather can also create armor for reinforcements. To get material for your work depends on the leather Skinner to take the leather from dead enemies, making these professions a double common.
Skinner (Skinning): The skinner is able to remove the skin of some dead creatures (usually beasts, dragons, some humanoids and some undead) but is not able to work them. For both Skinner depends on a leather, making these professions a double common.
Enchanting (Enchanting): The Enchanting uses essences, dust and magic crystals to make weapons and armor stronger than their original specifications. For the raw material for his work, the disenchanted enchantador other magic items, making this one of the most expensive professions to develop. You can only put a permanent enchantment on each piece of armor or weapon. It also creates other enchanted items magical oils.
Engineer (Engineering): The Engineer uses of various materials (mostly metals and gems) to build complex devices such as bombs, rifles, ammunition and special glasses. For the raw material for his work engineer depends on many other professions but principalemnte Miner, making these professions a double common. Given the complexity of the equipment created by engineers, they create little equipment can be sold to other characters non-engineers which limits the chances of selling and reduces the profit of the engineer, making the profession one of the most expensive and the game is great profession for a dwarf.
Blacksmith (Blacksmithing): The Blacksmith uses metal mesh to create armor and eventually create full armor (Plate). The Blacksmith can still create powerful weapons. To get material for your work depends on the Blacksmith Miner to gather the necessary metal, making these professions a double common.
Herbalist (Herbalism): The herbalist is able to detect collect plants throughout the world but is not able to work them. So the herbalist needs an Alchemist to transform them into potions, making these professions a double common.
Jeweller (Jewelcrafting): The Jeweler uses gems and metals to create jewelry (rings and necklaces). The jeweler can also create sculptures used to cure the character and magical gems, items used in sockets with gems, besides being able to extract extra yolks groups ore. To get material for your work depends on the Jeweller miner, making these professions a double common.
Miner (Mining): The Miner can detect and collect ores, stones and gems around the world, besides being able to melt the ore into metal bars, but is not able to work them. For both the Miner depends on a Blacksmith, Engineer or Jeweller, making these professions a double common.
Registrar (Inscription): With the package (patch) 3.02, "Echoes apocalyptic" ("Echoes of Doom"), was added to the profession of lawyer, which allows those who practice the "Scribes" ("Scribes") improve the spells (spells) and abilities of the characters. Example: the ability Backstab (Stabbed) of rogues can be enhanced to cause more damage to targets stunned (stunned), or allow the spell of Priests, Circle of Healing can cure / heal one target. To get material for your work depends on the Registrar herbalist, making these professions a double common.

Withdrawing Info: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_warcraft

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