Combines RPG with real time action in a fantasy world, known as Agon. It has features that set it apart from other games in the genre, oPVP without restrictions, a giant world that is constantly changing and dynamic as the actions of the players, a large number of players interacting in the world, combat system that involves dexterity on the part of the player and ability to steal all the opponent's possessions after the defeat. Besides the combat, the player has many skills, professions and tasks you can perform, from the collection of raw material (eg wood, minerals, food, etc..), Processing of this matter, whether for profit or use personnel (eg creation of fighting equipment, tools, ships or infrastructure), establishment of stores, companies or clans of war, espionage or manufacturing of various materials, which can integrate and to lead with the help of other players .
PvP (Player versus Player) without restrictions, there is no safe zones. The consequences of killing other players can result in change of alignment of the player.
It has 14-day trial version and noob protection 24 hours of play. While in noob protection can not attack or be attacked by any player.
When the player dies all the items he was carrying at the moment are in their "tombstone" and can be picked up by any player.
Absence levels. The capabilities of the characters are determined by the skills she learned and trained. The more character to practice a particular skill, gets better on its use.
Combat style FPS (First Person Shooter) when using guns or long range attacks, for example, when it is used an arc. This means that players have to aim your spells and arrows.
Fighting style TPS (Third Person Shooter) when using short-range weapons.
Manual lock. The player must press a certain key to defend your character.
The player can fight mounted mounts. The mounts can walk, run, jump, attack, take damage and be killed.
Naval combat. Players can build from small boats to large warships, which are fully controlled by the player himself.
Dynamic weather system. For example, fog or weather chovoso limit the visibility of the player, and the wind influences the trajectory of arrows and movement of ships. (Climate system is a promise, but not yet implemented in the game.)
There is no type of radar that indicate the location of other players or names floating displaying the player's nickname.
Cycle day / night, based on a realistic planetary system of two moons.
A world without zones, which supports up to 10,000 players on the same server.
Almost all items in the game can be created by the player.
System realistic physics. For example, a fireball that atinga an opponent results in the projection due to its explosion.
Advanced artificial intelligence. Allowing the use of dynamic and advanced tactics on the part of the monsters.
Each player is entitled to only one character per server.
Possibility to build a village or town, and to conquer the other.
The player can opt to buy a house from another player who can decorate and equip your taste. To build a house you need to get your grant, which would be a rare item dropped by chests that appear randomly on the game map.
During assaults or achievements may resort to various types of weaponry as the catapult, the cannon, etc..
Consderado the best MMO game in 2009.
Dwarves, Humans and mirdain;
Mahirim and Orks;
The Alfar are enemies of all races.
Capital: Nagast
Allies: None
Enemies: Dwarves, Humans, Mirdain, Mahirim, Orks
Animal: Drake Shulgan
Arms Race: Ilshard
Capital: Dvergheim
Allies: Human Mirdain
Enemies: Alfar, Mahirim, Orks
Animal: Dwarven Garmir
Arms Race: Ildhammer
Capital: Mercia
Allies: Dwarves, Mirdain
Enemies: Alfar, Mahirim, Orcs
Animal: Mercian Warhorse
Arms Race: Lightbringer
Capital: Mirendil
Allies: Humans, Dwarves
Enemies: Alfar, Mahirim, Orks
Animal: Cat Aerdin
Arms Race: Sunbow
Capital: Tribelands
Allies: Orks
Enemies: Alfar, Dwarves, Humans, Mirdain
Animal: There are, in announcing the game would be able to run as fast as a race but now also as any other race and you can use any mount.
Arms Race: Ghost Claws
Capital: Morak
Allies: Mahirim
Enemies: Alfar, Dwarves, Humans, Mirdain
Animal: Pig Death
Arms Race: Aldaruk
Darkfall has several features that set it apart from other MMORPGs:
There are six playable races in Darkfall: Alfar, Dwarves, Humans, Mirdain, Mahirim and Orks, and each race has armor and weapons characteristics, with some special weapons called "Arms Race". (Arms Race).
There are alliances between some breeds:
The Alfar are cruel cousins of Mirdain. Were mirdain, which long ago were abducted and mutated by the influence of his diabolical insane god-king Melek.
The Dwarves are the "sons of the mountains." Follow the teachings of Ymir, a legendary master of the forge that forged many of the greatest wonders of Dvergheim's, as well as the nation itself.
Humans are a versatile breed, live like living in medieval times in real life. Living in Mercia, a land of grassy hills and forests.
The mirdain are a great breed of sophisticated traders and diplomats. They prefer diplomacy to direct conflict. They are great strategists. Live within your forest, Mirendil.
The Mahirim are a strong breed of wild predators Tribelands. In the ad stated that the game would run on all fours and easily reach other races, but this feature was not implemented. The last update was implemented by race where skill Mahirim has a skill to walk faster, but do not run with four legs.
The Orks are a race of powerful warriors. The children play Orks weak in the swamp, which makes the Orks are all strong and healthy. The Orks enslave the goblins, who perform all manual labor for them.
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