quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

Eve Online

Eve Online (stylized as name EVE Online) videogame created by CCP Games. It is a MMORPG which the virtual world is persistent, non-linear gameplay in a science fiction space setting. The custom characters piloting ships through a galaxy of over 7,500 star systems. Most systems are connected to one or more different systems by means of stargates. A star system can contain moons, planets, space stations .. Eve Online players can participate in a number of professions and activities, namely mining, piracy, manufacturing, trading, exploration and combat (both PvE and PvP). The evolution of the characters is with the virtual training skills in real time, without requiring that the player is connected to jogo.Eve Online was released in North America and Europe in May 2003. Been in publication since May to December 2003 by Simon & Schuster Interactive. Since then, the CCP bought the rights and began a regimen of self-publishing via online distribution. On January 22, 2008, it was announced that Eve Online would be distributed pelaSteam. On March 10, 2009, the game was again available as a physical package in stores, released by Atari. The current version of Eve Online's Crucible, released on November 29, 2011.


The background story of Eve Online goes more than 21 000 years in the future and explains that humanity, after having spent the Earth's resources through centuries of explosive population growth, began colonizing the rest of the Milky Way. In time, this expansion also led to competition and struggles for resources like there was on Earth, but everything changed with the discovery of a natural wormhole connected to an unexplored galaxy dubbed "New Eden." Dozens of colonies were founded and a structure was built to stabilize the wormhole that served as a bridge between the colonies and the rest of human civilization, a giant portal called "EVE". However, when the natural wormhole unexpectedly closed, the gate was destroyed. Separated from the rest of humanity and the earth supplies, the colonies of New Eden were abandoned to starvation and unable to make contact with each other. Some are obliterated. Over the ages, the descendants of the colonists managed to survive and rebuild their own societies, but lost the memory of their origins were on Earth and the Milky Way. Five major distinct societies stood among the colonies, becoming civilizations capable of interstellar travel. They are the five major factions in Eve Online: the Amarr Empire, the Caldari State, the Gallente Federation, the Minmatar Republic and the Jove Directory.

The Amarres, a militant theocratic empire, were the first of the playable races to rediscover the superluminal travel. Armed with this new technology and the strength of their faith, Amarres expanded their empire by conquering and enslaving several races, including the Minmatar race, who had just begun the colonization of other planetas.Após few generations, the intense culture shock to find the Gallente Federation and disastrosa invasion of Jovian territory provided the opportunity for many Minmatares rebel against their masters Amarr and form their own government. Still, many Minmatares remain slaves, and some even adopted the Amarr religion and fought for their masters during the revolution, for which efforts they were rewarded with freedom and civil rights in the Empire. The Minmatar Republic, inspired by the ideals and practices of the Gallente Federation, is the moment a military and economic power actively seeking the emancipation of their brethren and all other slaves.

The planets of origin of both Gallenteans as the Caldaris lie around the same star. Gallente The planet was originally founded by descendants of the French colonists of Tau Ceti. Caldari Prime on the other hand, was purchased by a multinational megacorporation that began its terraforming. However, the terraforming of Caldari Prime was incomplete when the wormhole collapsed, and so the planet remained environmentally inhospitable for millennia. The company Gallente recovered at a high technological level hundreds of years before the first Caldaris and engendered lasting democratic republic of the new era in the form of the Gallente Federation. Originally, Caldaris were members of the Federation, though cultural animosity between the two peoples if there are spiraled into a war during which Caldaris seceded from the Federation to found their own Caldari State. The war lasted 93 years, without any of the nations could overcome the other. The planet Caldari Prime initially remained in the hands of the Gallente Federation. Only very recently, a Caldari offensive managed to recapture their lost homeworld, a fact viewed with disgust by Gallenteans, who see the presence of a significant Caldari fleet orbiting the planet as a mass hostage taking.
The Gallente Federation and Caldari State are both oriented to the nations economy and trade. The difference is that the Gallenteans favor liberal policies, encourage individual entrepreneurship and social democracy, and maintain a progressive approach to social welfare whereas the Caldari State is organized as a corporocracy State, where the State itself is owned by and operated on behalf of a few trusts megaconglomerados. Due to his official position in favor of multiculturalism and encouragement for diversity, the Gallente Federation attracts many immigrants. For example, a third of ethnic Minmatar live there. In order to rectify its deficit population, the Caldari State has created a program of artificial reproduction, producing a generation of "test-tube children" educated by the state to increase the availability of manpower for the megacorporations.
The Jovians (currently a non-playable race) were colonists, too. Unlike other breeds, they maintained a relatively advanced society even after the collapse of the wormhole. So, no need to spend millennia with the recapitulation of knowledge, history Joviana experienced the rise and fall of imperial two periods while the other four races remained stuck to the floor. They have expanded across the galaxy and at some point decided to shape their own genes in order to better adapt to interstellar exploration. This genetic experimentation, however, raised the "Prague Joviana", a heritable psychiatric disorder that crippled their civilization despite all their efforts. Today, it is assumed that inhabit a region of space inaccessible to outsiders.
In addition to their different backgrounds and histories, each race has a different philosophy of building space. Minmatares ships tend to be quite fast but fragile, relying on quick maneuvers to evade the sight of enemy guns, and use projectile weapons such as artillery or autocanhões. Naves Amarres are heavy, densely armored, and use batteries of laser weapons. Naves Gallenteans are polished and well structured, and specialize in drones and electric guns. Finally, Caldaris ships are slow and have little armor, but have strong energy shields, torpedo launchers and missiles and long-range magnetic cannons.


Players begin the game or select a previously created character, or create a new one. Each Eve Online account allows for up to a maximum of three characters. When a player creates a new character, you begin by choosing race - Amarr, Gallente, Minmatar or Caldari. Each race is divided into three bloodlines that give characters different pre-defined appearances, to which the player can fine-tune. Race and ancestry do not limit the choice of future profession and nature of the player.
Unlike many other MMOs, where there are numerous copies of the virtual universe running simultaneously (ie, separate servers), Eve Online works in a single universe. There are technically four copies of the universe (the main server "Tranquility", the Chinese server "Serenity", the event test server "Duality" which focuses on organized events like mass tests coordinados by CCP and the test server "Singularity "that is subject to being erased when new content is being tested) but rather than open a new server every time the player population increases, CCP simply adds more content to the universe and space existing.

The playing environment in Eve Online consists of over 5000 star systems, as well as 2500 randomly accessible systems via wormhole, which goes around the year 23 341 dCSistemas are classified in Category Security, on a scale of decimal -1.0 to 1.0. For this categorization, there are three types of response to violent acts by NPCs Police CONCORD (Consolidated Co-operation and Relations Command). Systems ranked from 0.5 to 1.0 are considered "high security" as any unprovoked attack by a player against another within any area of ​​the system will result in the appearance of the ships of police. These spaceships will attack and destroy the aggressor, and are scheduled to receive many reinforcements that it is impossible to lose. Systems 0.1 to 0.4 are "low security" since unprovoked attacks cause a count of 15 minutes, during which the gates and stations of the system open fire and do not give penalties faction to attack others. Systems of 0.0 or less are called "zero space" or "null safe", since it does not receive any police assistance. Star systems contain different types of celestial objects, making them suitable for different types of activity. Typically, there are asteroid fields, planets, stations and moons. Many of the most lucrative sources of income are the most dangerous places low or no security, which encourages players to bet on high-risk operations with high rewards, during which they must survive the possible attacks from other players who step into the system .

Unlike other MMOs, Eve Online's characters continually progress your skills because training occurs in real time even when not logged into the game. Since the Apocrypha expansion, training of various skills then the other one can be scheduled up to 24 hours in advance (the last skill of accurate list STARTED training within 24 hours, no matter when it ends the workout). The skills are more advanced, higher-priced and more practice time. A skill can take from a few minutes to several months to train, and reaches a maximum level five. Though each account can have up to three characters, only one can train at a time. The attribute points and equipment called implants also influence the duration of training.

Due to the focus of the game at liberty, consequences, and autonomy, many behaviors considered vandalism in most MMOs are allowed in Eve, such as burglary, robbery, and attract hordes of hostile NPCs to kill other players. Only a prolonged and malicious prosecution without any material gain and a few other actions are considered illegal by the game developer.

Withdrawing Info: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eve_Online

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